
27 Nov 2018

DANTE: 2nd Training session and 1st pilot round for UC2 in Lisbon

The DANTE Project organized three days event of a Training session, workshop and 1st pilot round for UC2, which was held in Lisbon on November 20-22, 2018, by the Policia Judiciaria headquarter.

The event was organized by following an agenda split in three sessions: Session 1 – The role of the criminological analysis in identifying patterns of Islamic terrorist actions and criminal behaviours; Session 2 – Online financing: how the Surface and Deep Web contribute to the Islamic terrorism fund-raising activities; Session 3 – Terrorist propaganda, recruitment and training over the Internet.

The Pilot was presented by a demo presentation and with a user interaction and evaluation.

Other seven sister projects attended the event and have had the chance to exposed their objectives and their collaboration with DANTE.