The LASIE project aims to design and implement an open and expandable framework supporting analysts in handling and analysing huge amounts of heterogeneous forensic data. LASIE will significantly increase the efficiency of current investigation practices, by providing automated analysis of forensic data acquired from a variety of different sources, including CCTV surveillance content, confiscated desktops and hard disks, mobile devices, Internet, social networks, handwritten and calligraphic documents.
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The overall objective of RAMSES is to design and develop a holistic, intelligent, scalable and modular platform for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) to facilitate digital Forensic Investigations. The system will extract, analyse, link and interpret information extracted from Internet related with financially-motivated malware.
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The PROTON project aims at improving existing knowledge on the processes of recruitment to organised crime and terrorist networks through an innovative integration between social and computational sciences. To achieve its aim, PROTON will complete three specific objectives:
1. investigate the social, psychological and economic factors leading to organised crime and terrorist networks, including their connection with cybercrime and the cyberspace;
2. develop PROTON-S, agent-based modelling simulations of the effects of different societal and environmental changes on organised crime and terrorist networks;
3. develop PROTON Wizard, a user-friendly software tool embedding the results of the simulations.
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